· Hot, moist towelettes were provided with some regularity. This seemed a pretty nice touch, especially since it is easy to provide and your hands need to be cleaned anyway. Unlike in a Japanese restaurant, I felt no shame in rubbing my face with it after 12 hours in a plane.
· Cup holder in the seat in front. Given that Americans are famous for their love of cup holders, it’s funny that I saw the concept first on a German airline.
· Quiet section – this was purported to exist and I was supposed to be in it but I have my suspicions given that there was still a crying infant near me. A good idea none the less.
· Free alcoholic drinks – who doesn’t need a nightcap to sleep in those seats?
· Pepper in tomato juice – classy, and never offered on American flights. The salt was unnecessary though.
· One carry-on bag for coach – perhaps my personal item was not personal enough, but I usually get away with a bassoon and a backpack. This time, they wouldn’t even allow a gym bag and a backpack.
· In flight shopping is too fancy – SkyMall is an exhibition in dumb gimmicks and shams that Americans will buy. Lufthansa’s catalog was rather expensive and not so entertaining. Few items were less than 100 euro. My favorite was a pencil sold for 160 euro or so. It was the kind that you sharpen and when you sharpen too much, it’s done. I’m not sure how it could be so expensive.
· I only made my connection by two minutes, but this is nothing new.
David, you cannot put a price on the Classic, Tradition-Steeped design of pencil-sharpener-required pencils. You think you can laugh in the face of generations with your flimsy, clicky plastic ones? In time, you will see the err of your ways, the crime of casting aside this soon to be lost art. For shame, David Rolfe. The amount of euros I've spent on these is uncountable, as is my love for them.
ReplyDeleteI do not know who you are, but I AGREE WITH YOU ENTIRELY (the caps were accıdental, but expressed my sentiments rather well). Thank you, paradıse vendors for correcting the error in my ways w/r/t €100+ disposable pencils sold in airplane magazines.